After leaving our hamlet, we have a walk of some 300 metres along quite a fast road before being able to access the absolute maze of small farm roads and 'chemins' (in this area the term normally refers to dirt tracks used by tractors to get from one field to another!) that criss cross the whole area! At the moment the main road is lined with Blackthorn & Hawthorn trees full of white and cream blossoms

A little later will see the wild plum trees burst into flower, and if we are lucky enough to have a mild April/May without too much wind to destroy the blossom, there will be kilos of fruit going begging later on which makes the most lovely jam!!
Through a small wood where the daffodils are huddled under trees
and along the edges of the field
into the next hamlet where the hedgerows are full of Forsythia
and Mimosa
A stop to chat to the nearly neighbours and admire (again) the little filly

'Look at me! Haven't I grown - and this is me and my Mum!'

Eventually we get away after promising to call on our way home and share a glass of Kir , white wine (or champagne!) mixed with blackcurrant liquer, a very popular before lunch 'apperitif' in Brittany, and very nice too !
We wind our way through a couple of hamlets, passing dwellings ancient (ish!)

and modern (ish!)

along narrow roads and lanes, with the banks and ditches filled with Spring flowers
Periwinkles ( I think!!) Cushions of primroses

and I even spotted a few very early violets - see how dry the ground is though! Passed a small crab apple orchard
one of the many in the area that are the mainstay of the Breton cider industry.
A short stop to admire the views before attacking the 'chemin' back home - have we really got to walk all that way still ???
Thank you for keeping us company today, I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did !
Isnt Britany lovely right now. Our hedges are full of wild plum blossom. primroses are out, wonderful!
What a wonderful walk that is. We are just starting to get some sunshine with the daffodils out and the trees promising beautiful green leaves very soon!! And the weekend after next we will be on British Summer Time which means more light evenings. Hoorah
What a beautiful walk. Thank you for sharing
Love and hugs Gina xxx
I enjoyed your walk too.
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