Dylan is first cousin to Idris and is a 'Celtic' dragon. I say Celtic as I was quite firmly told by a Breton gentleman from Finistere that it isn't only the Welsh that have claim to the Red Dragon, he is ,in fact, a shared celtic symbol as this photo taken in Brittany shows !

Our new arrival is called Dylan after Dylan Thomas (of course!! ) of 'Under Milk Wood' fame & claimed to be, and I quote , ' Wales' greatest poet', he's also the subject of a recent film release dealing with the less poetic side of his life !!
I tried out Tonya's Wonky Alphabet thinking to put his name on the bottom, and I managed a passable 'D' after a few (!) attempts

then decided that he would turn into a monster with the additional border, so I just left it !! I had fun trying out the letters though and think I might try the sampler one day !
Off in the post today went my Miniature Booty Swap quilt, here's a little teaser, BUT .. I will warn you I have been playing with Paintshop Pro !!
Final note , if you have a minute go on over and visit Cheryl who's having a celebration Give Away and has some great items looking for a new home!
Wow ! no postings for days and now 2 in a row, but I promise that's all for today!
Dylan is very cute!
He's gorgeous. A worthy cousin to Idris. Now don't let him near any alcohol so he doesn't end up like his name sake.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
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