I wasn't quite sure which of Dot's colour preferences to use and then I came across this pattern for a 1890s Reproduction quilt and decided to go with the 'Patriotic ' scheme ! It did turn out slightly larger than the Group dimensions ( Sorry Toni !!) but it would have been such a shame to try and alter it in my opinion ! Anyway, Dot seems pleased with it and I certainly enjoyed making it ! Thanks again to Toni for all her work in organising the Swap !
As this is a short post , I'll just take a minute to update the 'chest' situation ! After 10 days of the (hated!!) nebuliser, steroids and jabs (my rear end feels like a pincushion at the moment I can tell you !!!) it seems I still have some congestion lurking so more medication and more tests looming up to try and get to the bottom of things ! I won't bore you with all the details, but suffice to say that I am breathing a lot better, managing to walk a bit more and slowly getting back into my normal routine ! I am so glad to be feeling better as we are due to go to Paris for the day on 28th and I would hate to have to cancel that !
My weight - well that went by the board with all the bedrest, lack of exercise etc, but although I've not lost any weight at least I haven't gained either so at least I can start off again weighing a little (!!) less than last time. One thing for certain , off it must come !!!!
Hope you enjoy Paris! Are you going by train? It's so easy. Do try the Bateaubus up and down the River.
Glad you are getting back on your feet.
Enjoy Paris!
Love the quilt.
Mine is due to go in the mail on Monday.
Glad you ae feling better
Love an dhugs Gina xxx
Enjoy Paris. Take care of you.
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