At 2 am we awoke to a very loud roaring noise and for a moment couldn't think what it was - and were amazed when we realised it was the wind ! The power of it was frightening & the noise undescribable and as we stood watching the trees all around us bending almost in half from the force , I can tell you everything was crossed (!) hoping nothing fell on or near the house!!
It carried on gusting like this for most of the night and only really abated with the dawn and we have been very fortunate not to suffer any damage . All the houses in the village are OK too, which is a relief as most of the other residents are very elder folk !
The really bad news is that it is forecasted to happen again tonight and Northern Brittany is on Orange Alert for heavy falls of snow and hailstorms thrown in for good measure ! Now we are slap bang in the middle, so what we'll wake up to tomorrow is anyone's guess !
But, after every storm there is a bright patch, today is sunny and dry although still extremely windy and we even have some of the survivors from last night's battering !
The weather was much niccer in Rennes !!! Do you live by the sea ???
OOOOOhhhhhh...I don't like the wind. Hope they blow away soon. Beautiful camillias;) Your sidebar pictures are great!
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