Our destination was somewhere new to us, St Briac sur Mer on the North Brittany coast just around the coastline from its better known neighbours of Dinard and St Malo - and it is a little gem!!
After a pleasant lunch of 'moules & frites' and a glass of vin blanc at a cafe just off the marina , we set off up the hill towards the local Golf Club. I have to say at this point that I thought there was something just a little strange about the cafe owner as he insisted on speaking a 'form' of Italian in a strong French accent ! Now I know my French pronunciation leaves a little to be desired , but no way can I be taken for an Italian!!! He must have been having a bit of fun with us I think, as he signed our bill 'Paid with Thanks' in English when we left !
Up between the links...
....and over the brow of a small hill, this is what was waiting for us !
Following the footpath around the coast (I think it was a section of the GR34 , part of the huge network of footpaths that criss cross the whole of France!) we came upon cove
..after cove...
... rocky and sandy beaches...
...and yet another item for the shopping list when I win the EuroMillions!
........the ultimate house with a view - now where will I have my sewing room ?????
Before we knew where we were we had been walking for over 1 1/2 hours and were miles from the car park so it was sore feet all round by the time we made it back - but well worth the effort for such a wonderful unexpected day!
I know it sounds utterly selfish, but it is a delight to be able to visit these smaller seaside towns before the 'summer visitors' arrive - there'll be no empty beaches then I can assure you !!!
Tomorrow's forecast is also promising another nice day, and if it happens, we will be off North again, this time to explore a little further around the coast at St-Cast-le Guildo which promises to be another jewel in Brittany's crown !!!
What beautiful photos of gret scenery.
love and hugs Gina xxx
What a gorgeous way to spend a day! Lovely photos.
belle ballade et bonne chance pour l'euro millions.....
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