Top: Dress Parade and Tents of the Enemy
Btm: Love Letters and The Monitor
Also made a start on Eleanor Burn's Pioneer Sampler Quilt. I've had her book for some time now but done nothing with it, so I thought that whilst I had the reproduction fabrics strewn all over my working surface, I would have a go at a 'scrappy' version using the same fabrics. Don't know if I am doing the right thing or not, its not so much running another quilt in tandem as it were - but the size of the blocks! At 12" finished they are HUGE after the CWD/LL blocks!!
I shouldn't have started yet another quilt really, as I still haven't managed to finish my scrappy 'Browns' - for no other reason than, when I got all geared up to do the 'sandwiching' I didn't have enough batting ! The last thing I thought to check was the batting, in fact I didn't check it at all, just assumed there was enough left, so it came as a bit of a shock I can tell you !! This project seems to be jinxed - or perhaps I am just a bad organiser!!! First I run out of background fabric (solved!!) then I changed my mind about the borders and ended up short of fabric for the binding (solved!!) and now the batting (in the post!). Well,they say all things come in 3s, so perhaps it will turn into a real beauty now that's all behind me - who knows!!! This will explain to everyone why I so envy people who can 'pop' into their LQS ! Whilst there is a reasonable craft/quilting shop in Rennes, it is an hour's drive each way, so not quite in 'popping' distance and as most quilt related items are imported from the USA, prices are high! It is much more economical to buy bulk fabrics direct from US stores and pay the postage, than it is to buy from the UK or locally!
One project finished in just about no time flat this week was this Lazy Girl Designs 'Sassy Bag' . The pattern was a gift from one of my cyber friends in the USA (Thank You Jeannie!). I wasn't quite sure how it would turn out as I am not that experienced at bag making, so I just used what I had to hand rather than spoil good fabric, but I am quite pleased with it and I am sure one of the DGDs will claim it before too long !!!

My only daughter Sian (Welsh for Jane in case you're wondering and I have 2 sons also!) is due to fly in on Wednesday for a week, so there won't be much sewing done whilst she is here I'm afraid ! We're just keeping our fingers crossed that the weather will improve enough for us to get out and about a bit, but at the moment we have another cold & wet low front forecast . Mind you, DD has a shoe fetish and we seem to spend hours in and out of all the shoe shops in the area when she is here, and believe me there are loads of them!! By the time she is done, all I want is my slippers and a comfy chair!!!!
Your blocks are really coming along. Hope you had fun with your daughter.
Love letters is just beautiful - well done! Your work is just lovely.
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