We've had builders in all week working on the attic conversion and this seems to have throw us totally, not that we've been doing any of the work, but the fact that there are extra people going in and out has been more disruptive than I thought it would be !
The whole house is now shrouded in a film of fine white plaster dust, it is everywhere and all we seem to achieve with our daily cleaning efforts is to re-arrange it - we certainly ain't getting rid of it !!! Bad news is that this is just phase 1 so some way to go yet. I keep telling myself that it will be worth it eventually but I have to say that I am starting to doubt that mantra!!!
Sewing has been of the very minimum as I'm afraid that the dust is going to settle on my fabrics, so the door of my workroom has been kept shut! I have managed a little hand sewing and caught up at last with my Verandah Views BoMs. At the start of the year there was a plethera of lovely stitchery blocks to be found on various blogs and, as one does, I decided I wanted to try them all!! That hasn't been possible due to various other commitments ,so I've decided just to go with Verandah Views for the moment - this doesn't mean that I'm not avidly collecting all the others mind you !!! One other I would really like to find time for is Elephantz Shabby Roses (see button is on my side bar) so maybe that will be one to start whilst I am waiting for the June blocks!!
Our weather has been just unbelievable !! Just when you think that Spring may have settled, in come weather fronts like you can't imagine - torrential rain, thunder, hail and now the last 2 days the wind is just howling around the houses and so very cold !! The garden is in pieces, the cherry tree has been stripped of just about all the setting fruit, hanging basket have been going up and down almost as fast as the exchange rate (!) and window boxes taken down and put back under cover before they topple off the sills and land on someone's head ! However - there are a few survivors in spite of all this

Peonies trying desperately to stay upright!

Boule de Neige (Snowball)

a couple of Azealea
We seem to have the same taste in flowers. I have peony, azaleas and snowballs (I call them Hydrangas) My plant is huge, sometimes blue sometimes purple. I treasure it as it was from a basket that was sent when my Mom passed away 15 yrs ago.I dug it up 7 yrs ago when we moved here from N Y and it is growing beautifully. I Love Lily of the Valley but don't have any. Love their smellfandrin
I loved your little quilt in the last post, and tried to enlarge it to have a good look, but couldnt.
Our garden is suffering like yours with high winds , rain, sun...it doesnt know what to do!
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