Monday 4 May 2009

Changing Seasons

It must be some 6 weeks since we last walked on the Voie Vert,certainly it was well before we left for the UK and we've been back home a month ! These weeks seem to have rushed passed us in a blur of 'catch up' from our trip and trying to get the garden in some sort of order before the summer ! Yesterday , however, we decided that a little exercise was well overdue and in spite of it being a very grey, but dry, day off we went !

On our last visit, even though the day was bright enough, everything was still looking a bit bleak and very bare !

What a difference a few weeks makes !

Mother Nature has worked her magic yet again and turned the whole world into the most beautiful shades of green everywhere you look!!

You really have to keep looking very closely though because the magic doesn't stop with the treetops!!

An abundance of wild flowers on the banks, under trees and clinging to the rocky outcrops
turned our whole walk into a springtime wonderland! Even the river Yvel was no longer a raging torrent after the winter storms, but back to its normal sleepy self but getting more difficult to see through all the new growth!

Birdsong followed us all through our walk, the cheeky chirping of the chaffinch mixing with the crystal clear notes of the blackbird and to finish it off, we heard our first cuckoo !!

...and just to proove that it wasn't all in our imaginations, when we got home I even managed a (very poor!) snap of one of our first swallows! So not a lot of sunshine, but lots of brightness after all!!

Don't you just love the Spring !!!!!


Jo in TAS said...

It looks so beautiful!!

Aimee said...

What a beautiful place! The trees and flowers are gorgeous. I do love spring too!

Kristie said...

I never tire of seeing your beautiful photos! They are breathtaking!

Elizabethd said...
