Sunday 25 May 2008

Not A Good Week!!

Nearly a week since I posted last, and it really has not been a good week at all ! The doctor arrived eventually on Tuesday to find me rolling in agony from what I now know to have been an infection in one of my legs !! Part of the problem was also panic on my part as my one thought about this angry red swelling was a thrombosis in the making so it was a great relief told be told that it was something else, painful as it was!!! Now after 5 days of anitbiotics, anti-inflammatories and what I am sure were treble strength painkillers (no brain working !!), I feel just about back to normal and I got the all clear on Friday to make my trip to the UK !!!

The other part of the treatment was that my walking was reduced to 1 km a day which actually was quite difficult to do , the foot of my bed raised up on blocks and a 10 minutes 'feet up' rest in every hour during the day - not easy!!!!

No sewing or photos today unfortunately, but.....every cloud has a silver lining and today my good news is that there is just 48 hours to go and then I will have 'naked legs' again !!!!!!!


sewkalico said...

Oh, I do hope you get well soon! I'm sure your trip will do you the world of good!

Mad about Craft said...

Glad you're on the mend.

We'll have the red carpet out and we'll try and and have some sun but I can't promise!!

Linda Mullen said...

Dear Ann, I hope you feel better soon.

Elizabethd said...

Oh I do remember all that from some years ago. I so hope you will soon be feeling much better.
Have a good time 'back home!'

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you're on the mend - enjoy your trip

Brigitte said...

Meilleure santé à toi. Amicalement