Aren't we a strange breed, always glad to get to hospital when things are against us and then the first thing we want to know is 'when can I go home?'.
Made it back last evening, battered & bruised and rather tired, but at least I get to spend my birthday at home, even if it is trussed up like a Christmas turkey in my lovely "sexy" support stockings (UGH!!) Not too unpleasant a stay I must say , the staff were very nice and helpful , the food dreadful (as always - who likes hospital food anywhere!!) . I' d been saving the last Harry Potter book ,The Deathly Hallows, until now and it certainly caused a lot of interest. The appeal of these books is amazing, but I never thought that I'd be having an unofficial French lesson discussing Harry Potter with such lovely company, it certainly shortened my days but I am not sure that the other patients were happy about the amount of time being spent in my room by the Potter fans amongst the nursing staff!!!
Well, the secret is out - my Miniature Booty mini has arrived at its new home, and thankfully Kate is pleased with it, so I guess it's OK to share it with everyone now

It turned out just over 15 inches square in the end, the colours are really out of my comfort zone, but this wasn't about what I like, rather trying to make something that would please my partner. I must admit has been a bit of a worry as this was a first for me, but I did enjoy the experience and feel a bit happier about making the next one!
Birthday treats today include my first shower for days (!) and....... I get to go to bed tonight without my delighful stockings - how lucky is that !!!!!!
Ann - have just followed the link from Kate's blog to discover yours - the little purple quilt you made for her is lovely
Ann, it looks GREAT!! I'm envious! :) I hope you join the next round, now we finally got the emails worked out LOL
I created a flickr group for the swap as well, if you would like to join and share you image that way!
Yah for a shower!
Hi Ann - Like Anne found the link to your blog through Kate's. I live in the Dordogne and, with Sue Sharp near Calais, have started an English Quilters in France Yahoo Group. If you are interested in joining contact me.
Gorgeous photos.
Glad you are back in one piece and the experience wasn't bad!
I am a Simon & Garfunkel fan too!
Happy Birthday to you! Glad you are home for some recovery time. Take care.
Looks great!! I love the colors, but I know what you mean about working outside your comfort zone. That's part of the fun of a swap, I guess -- stretch ourselves a little.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday - and thanks again, I'm very pleased - I like all the mini quilts I've received before in these swaps, but this one is really me.
And of course, I'll have Keep the Customer Satisfied in my head for the rest of the evening!
Your quilt looks fantastic(I am purple fan). Happy Birthday and hope you are up and around soon.
Hello Anne.
I'm a quilter in Brittany too! Lovely to see ytour photos. i hope you recover well soon.
The mini quilt for Kate is great. I hope you don't mind, but I had a chuckle at the pleasing your partner bit, not what you'd expect on a quilting blog LOL
Happy Birthday and get well soon!! Please email me your address and I'll send you a bit of African fabric to speed up your recovery (and to bring back those memories!)
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