The weather, that's another topic ! It has been very cold over Christmas and New Year and yesterday the morning temperature was minus 8 degrees C ! Now I know that's not cold for lots of people but for us more 'delicate' mid European types, believe me that's cold !! It had been quite bright , sunny and rather pleasant in spite of the cold, until today that is and now we have sleet/freezing rain with roads and pathways that are positively dangerous and covered in black ice -so much for global warming as this is the coldest winter we've had in all our time in Brittany!!
On the quilting side of life, lots going on at the moment but nothing I can photograph as the light is so very bad , and I ain't going outside to do it :-) I did have a paper piecing session booked last Friday with Lucy , not a lesson as such but more of a ' help me' (!) so that I could make a start on the NYB blocks, but as that was wiped out by the tummy bug , I decided to make a start on my own -GULP!! Other than giving myself aching jaws from clenching my teeth whilst concentrating it wasn't as bad as I thought , and they've turned out quite well in my opinion - photos will follow when the sun comes back out !
I have also managed to turn this quiltie

into 9 of these large scrappy blocks (14" finished!)
thanks to Kate's generous Clearout Swap ! I am really looking forward to (trying!) to turn these into a lap quilt, so Thank You Kate !!
Happy New Year !!
It is also very cold in The Netherlands.
Yeuck. I hope you're feeling al better soon. Happy New Year.
Now it is mild again...Happy new year
ca a marché ???
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