I am going to stick with 'Once Upon a Time' and 'Verandah Views' BoMs for the moment and keep 'Quilters Blessings' until the end of February, when there is a trip to the UK scheduled - it will be easier to cart about as I am using just the one colour thread ! Rapunzel is finished

Sunday was a 'play'day so I went to this link and made two Kidlets!
with William as usual keeping an eye on things !! The green one is slightly smaller than the pattern as I only had a FQ of the novelty fabric and check out my selvedge pocket!! Never let it be said that we are behind the fashion here in France!! This might count as my Gift of the Month for January and go to one of my quilting friends with a couple of fat quarters - what do you think ?
Finally, my first finish for 2009!
An almost photo of my first attempt at a raw edge applique quilt - could also be my last ! Rather rumpled I'm afraid as it had been packed away waiting for a fine day, then the sun came out momentarily a little earlier , so I grabbed it (complete with creases!!)threw it on the (wet) grass, a quick click then just made it back indoors before the next hail shower!!! It had been packed up in this bag
made from a spare block that 'appeared' because the background fabric was too light when compared to the other blocks - so waste not want not, which I guess is everyone's motto in these difficult times! The pattern is a slightly modified Chook Shed pattern from Australian Patchwork & Quilting ( thought I'd better mention the modification, don't want anyone thinking that they've changed to speaking French 'Down Under' :-) )
Love the quilt.
are you coming over to Wales or are you staying in enemy territory. LOL
I know what you mean about over commiting. I'm limiting myself to three stitchery BOM's and no patchwork this year. don't know how long I'll hold out though.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Your blocks look wonderful, even on wet grass between storms! Glad you are not over-extending yourself. I'm simplifying (somewhat)myself this year too
Lovely finished block, finished alreay and it is only January. You work fast!
The quilts looks great, creases and all. :o)
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