This all started with a crack appearing in the ceiling! We live in an old (approx 250 years) house and like all us 'mature' beings, it does have a few wrinkles showing :-) Repairing the crack has led to redecorating the bedroom,which has led to a close examination of the bed... and so it goes on !It is now accelerating into a major 'spend'!! We all know that it won't end with just a new bed - oh no, there will have to be new bedding, curtains and carpets/rugs, after all, how can I possibly use the same old stuff with a new colour scheme ??
DH is not a happy bunny at the thought of all this money being spent (!) particularly at the moment when, like all British ex-pats in the Euro zone, we are suffering from the chronic exchange rate!! But then I wasn't the one worried about the little crack, I could have lived with it, but he insisted that it needed doing, so now he must live with the 'spending'!! (Didn't I do well !!!)
I haven't been wasting time though, I have been turning some of this mess

into this
I've also made this

which can be found here - so you see, not totally unemployed! ( If you do feel tempted to try this I, and many others, have found that it works better if you put some kind of 'container' in the centre before trying to stuff it - this helps to keep the shape and stops it folding in on itself ! (in fact my yogurt pot is still in it !)
After this post, Jovita kindly offered to make another angel for my DGD, which was very kind of her ,but I only said yes after she'd agreed to do a swap for some fabric. Thursday she arrived
with a travelling companion !
Thank you, Jovi,they are both very lovely and I am now going to have one very spoilt grand-daughter!!! How did you know she loves purple & pink - or does that apply to all little girls of a certain age??
This is also finished (and has been for sometime but I keep forgetting to upload the photo !) so I am all clear and ready to start on the February blocks !
Shops in France are closed all day Sunday and many of them are also closed on Monday, so no bed "s-hopping" for a few days ,and who knows, I might be able to get into the sewing room for more than 10 minutes over the weekend !!!