Sunday 28 December 2008

Christmas Sunshine!

After all the grey and gloomy weather we've been having lately, Christmas has turned out to be cold, but dry & sunny and what more could we have ask for as an extra present ! Brittany is very beautiful in the summertime, but as we found out on Christmas Eve, Winter also has it's own beauty even at - 3C !

Bluest of blue skies

with the sun throwing shadows on the rocks and undergrowth

giving even the bleakest landscape a beauty all of its own !

We were back on the canal bank, just north of Lac de Guerledan , for a walk this time as we thought that the bitterly cold wind , the penalty for all the sunshine, would not be very kind to cyclists !! What we hadn't realised was the section of canal we were walking on was in a valley and very sheltered , an added bonus which meant that I was able to take some amazing photos !

If you look closely at the last photo, and can see a white 'line' , that is actually the vapour trail of an aircraft jetting off to who knows where !

I don't think I have ever seen a body of water as calm as this, not a breath of wind at all and the reflections were amazing !This is just a small selection (!!) , but Blogger is not playing nicely today and will only let me upload one image at a time, and as I don't want to miss today's sunshine..........I'm off (!!), but before I go, I must tell you about our one last surprise - a kingfisher flashing across the water in a burst of glorious colour, too fast for the camera though but so beautiful !!!


Gina said...

Beautiful photos. It's been too cold and windy for any walking over here

love and hugs Gina xxx

Petronella said...

I liked your photographs about the"Lac de Guerledan", because we passed several holidays there, already 17 years ago when our children were still young, about ten years ago, and the last time several years ago, we like fishing canoïng surfing and the Brittany-climate, wish you a very happy 2009!!!!
St Pierre la Vieille