Friday, 30 May 2008
Temporarily Signing Out !
Thursday, 29 May 2008
And Then There Were Two !

Now I knew , and probably you did too , that I would not be able to resist trying the Quilt-a-Long with the new fabric, so - here are 4 blocks from yesterday. I made blocks 1-3 and then jumped to Block 9 as it seemed to be the easiest one and by 9 pm I was looking for easy. The photo doesn't do justice to the colours unfortunately. One of the penalties for living in an old house with walls 3 foot thick is that the lighting is dreadful!! When the sun shines (!!!!) I can take photos outside again !
My very good cyber friend, Jeannie in Florida, offered me some of her 'scraps' to help out my meagre stash for the Chunky Churdashes blocks (being a fairly new quilter its not even a stash really, more of a big bundle by most standards!!) Now - I am not too proud to jump at a chance like that, in fact I was very grateful and looked forward to receiving a small packet of offcuts !! A parcel arrived yesterday full of YARDS of fabric in huge pieces, this is just some of it

Thank you so very much, Jeannie, you're a star!!!
Don't know if I'll have a chance to Blog again before our 5am start on Saturday and not even sure when I will get connected again, but I hope to talk to you again around 18 June when I get back home Now though, I am off to shorten some trousers for DH (!!) not the kind of sewing I like - and then make some sort of a start on the packing or we won't be going at all !!
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
They're Off!!!

Sunday, 25 May 2008
Not A Good Week!!
The other part of the treatment was that my walking was reduced to 1 km a day which actually was quite difficult to do , the foot of my bed raised up on blocks and a 10 minutes 'feet up' rest in every hour during the day - not easy!!!!
No sewing or photos today unfortunately, but.....every cloud has a silver lining and today my good news is that there is just 48 hours to go and then I will have 'naked legs' again !!!!!!!
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
One Step Forward & Two Steps Back.....
The few warm, sunny days we had last week have really woken up the garden - we have the first lupins

Roses on their way up the front of the house
(think they need a spray though by the look of the leaves!!!)
and Clematis trying to cover
the old plum tree
On my one and only visit to see Megan since I left hospital, I managed to snap this

Only 16 hours old here - isn't she just gorgeous!!! Now 4 days old, DH tells me that she is already racing around the paddock followed closely by an anxious Mum!! I am really surprised at this, as knowing the mare's temperament, I didn't think she would be such a good parent !!
Saturday, 17 May 2008
All Sorts of Everything !
I keep forgetting to mention the birthday, possibly because most of it passed in a haze (!) , but I had a great selection of cards from family & friends, a dozen yellow roses (my favourites!!) from DH plus an IOU to spend on fabrics when I am in the UK - as if I need encouragement !!! This funky chicken from Harrison & Phoebe , two of our little horrors (Ooops - I mean grandchildren!!)
Isn't it great ! I have a thing about chickens and this one sits just nicely on the shelf at the side on my sewing machine. A 'posh' pincushion from DD, Sian

There was also 4 yards of fabric from Stephanie , 2 shrubs from Lesley, some chocolates and more flowers from other friends here in Brittany that I haven't managed to take photos of yet. As we are going over to the UK at the end of the month, all my other gifts are waiting for me & I have a feeling that there is going to be a 'surprise' get together to hand them over at some stage !!!!
On the sewing scene , I have 2 CWD blocks finished and another half done, so will wait to post them all together. I have also managed to get the sashing on my Pioneer Sampler quilt, although it's in 2 pieces at the moment as I want to try and quilt it in sections as per Marti Mitchell.

And now a little teaser -these are some of the fabrics for my ALQS swap , again WAY out of my comfort zone, but what the heck!!!

Final note is that I did eventually get through to Quilting Treasures by email and received an acknowledgement saying they were investigating the query - so I guess I just sit and wait now !!
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Quilting Quandary - Update !!
The good news is that the rest of the pattern seems sound and I will give it another try in a few days after I have adjusted the offending pieces - right now though I am off to bed with a thumping headache !!!
Quilting Quandary !

The 9 patch blocks are 1 1/2 inches finished, and the quiltie is approx 12 x 10 inches, and no particular reason for making it, just wanted to try ! I am going over to the UK at the end of the month for 3 weeks , and this will be going with me so I can try a little hand quilting on it (did I say hand quilting !!)
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Hot! Hot!! Hot!!!
Its been a funny few days I have to admit - I know its some 20+ years since I last had surgery and that healing takes longer as you get older (!!) but I have no memory of feeling so tearful all the time and so very, very tired. The last 2 days have been better, so maybe the anaesthetics have cleared my body now or maybe its because I can loose the PJ trousers at last and get into some real clothes !!!! Once the daily wrestling with the 'stockings' is over, I 'm managing to get some short walks in before it gets too hot, so at least I am getting out of doors!!
I swear it must have been a man who thought up elastic support stockings though - no woman would have put herself through the daily frustration trying to put them (anyone got any tips on how to pull up {very tight} stockings lying down ??????) let alone wear such items of torture !!!!
Thanks to everyone who's left messages on the Blog - I will answer them all in time if I haven't already done so !!!
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Gee, it's great to be back home.....
Aren't we a strange breed, always glad to get to hospital when things are against us and then the first thing we want to know is 'when can I go home?'.
Made it back last evening, battered & bruised and rather tired, but at least I get to spend my birthday at home, even if it is trussed up like a Christmas turkey in my lovely "sexy" support stockings (UGH!!) Not too unpleasant a stay I must say , the staff were very nice and helpful , the food dreadful (as always - who likes hospital food anywhere!!) . I' d been saving the last Harry Potter book ,The Deathly Hallows, until now and it certainly caused a lot of interest. The appeal of these books is amazing, but I never thought that I'd be having an unofficial French lesson discussing Harry Potter with such lovely company, it certainly shortened my days but I am not sure that the other patients were happy about the amount of time being spent in my room by the Potter fans amongst the nursing staff!!!
Well, the secret is out - my Miniature Booty mini has arrived at its new home, and thankfully Kate is pleased with it, so I guess it's OK to share it with everyone now

It turned out just over 15 inches square in the end, the colours are really out of my comfort zone, but this wasn't about what I like, rather trying to make something that would please my partner. I must admit has been a bit of a worry as this was a first for me, but I did enjoy the experience and feel a bit happier about making the next one!
Birthday treats today include my first shower for days (!) and....... I get to go to bed tonight without my delighful stockings - how lucky is that !!!!!!
Saturday, 3 May 2008
Just thought that maybe I didn't explain my 'enforced break' properly - I am off to hospital at the crack of dawn tomorrow for surgery Monday on some very nasty varicose veins! Not a big deal, but as this is the second attempt to deal with the problem, slightly more complicated than usual ( like I need to know that being such a coward!!) . At the moment I don't know how long I will have to stay, except that it will be longer than is normal for this procedure. I have ever intention to start 'nagging' to come home as soon as possible as its my birthday on Thursday and would like to spend at least a few hours of it at home -Ah Well !!! Will just have to wait and see !!!!
Friday, 2 May 2008
Well, my bags are packed....

Top : Prisoner of War & Another Prison
Btm : Squad Drills