This is my 4 Season Quilt Swap for 'Summer' and made by Rose Marie from Toronto. It is absolutely gorgeous and the photo doesn't do it any justice at all !! The quilting is so detailed and most of it hand quilted at that ! You might be able to see some of it in this photo
and it doesn't stop there - just look at the label !
Thank you so much Rose Marie, I am just delighted !!! Thank you also to Margaret for all her hard work in arranging the Swap. Just one little regret - I wish I had known about the swaps sooner as I have really enjoyed 'playing along' !!!
One of my fellow British ex-pats here in France, Claire , has been posting views from her various windows - now I don't have such pretty views as Clare ,so won't be rushing around the house snapping from every window (!!), but thought you might like to see the view from our garden gate this afternoon
Yes, harvesting has started, the Combines are working all hours and the roadways are jammed with tractors & trailers of all ages, shapes & sizes !!! Most of the grain goes to the local co-operatives and you cannot imagine what a driving hazard this causes ! Now, please don't laugh, but this is the time of the kamakazi wood pigeons !! They flock onto the roads to get at the fallen grain, so driving at the moment consists of closing your eyes each time you come across a bunch of pigeons. They promptly take off as you approach, but goodness only knows which way they will fly !! Going up to Megan this morning I counted 42 birds in a couple of kilometres - so far I've been lucky and managed to miss them all, but one day ................!!!!!!
Keep forgetting to mention, just over 1 lb off this week (1 lb 6 ozs actually). It must have been the ice cream (Ooops !) last week-end that slowed me down (!!) but I am quite OK with that, at least its the right direction
Thank you, Ann, for your lovely comments ..... I enjoyed making this wee quilt for you! :o)
Just dropping by to say Hello.. If you sent me a reply, I never got it... otherwise I would have replied (grin).
Very pretty!
Have you caught up with the swap on all-stitched-up.blogspot.com?
They've started combining here - in fact nearly finished. We don't get the Kamakazi Wood Pigeons, but we do get sleepless nights as they combine and bale all night and then on Saturday, just when they'd stopped, blasted Ball Trap all night!
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