I've often looked at Tessellation quilts and wondered at the way they go together and how difficult it would be, so over the weekend I decided to have a try and see if I could work it out from a photo - Voila!
Another little quilt just under 12" x 16" and in need of a good press. (it does lie flat in real life - honest!) It took me a little while to work out the angles etc but it went together OK in the end.
I must say this about quilting, tackling projects like this certainly keeps the old brain ticking over, and it looks like Lucy Doll has another quilt in the pipeline !
I once made a quilt like this, and loved it. I made mine by sewing rows, not blocks, then I made some placemats by making a template myself, but now there's a lovely sturdy plastic template-thingy called the L'il Twister, which I bought and am about to make a baby quilt using it with charm squares.
I must admit, I'm facinated by these quilts too. One day......
Bravo pour cette tesselation, j'adore trouver ce genre de motif !
Amitiés, Sylvie
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