Tucked away under my work table I have a box whose contents rarely see the light of day once they disappear under the lid. Its the kind of box that I am sure every quilter has and just in case I should forget what's inside, it has a label that says - you've guessed it - UFOs!!
Try as I might, I cannot reduce the number of items lurking inside, in fact I am convinced they multiple without any help from me , so when I came across Myra's PhD Challenge it sounded like just the push I could do with to get stuck into finishing some of these projects!
I've committed to finishing at least three items with perhaps (!) another three smaller projects thrown in, but this will depend on what life sends my way over the coming 6 months :-)
For starters though finishing these would be great
My smaller version of Bonnie Hunter's Sister's Choice pattern , a long time quilt -in- waiting !
Windham Fabrics pattern Old Virginia Calicos , with a slight colour change on the border as I messed up cutting one of the fabrics (!) This is probably my oldest UFO and it's well passed its 'should be finished' date!
Number 3 really needs to be this one as I so want to get it done, but just can't make my mind up how to quilt it - any suggestions , nothing too complicated mind !!
So, if you have any UFOs that need a little push - come on along and join in the fun!
Oh, thank you for the info on this project. I already had on my 2011 goal list to do a group project...this just might be it! I love you #3 top that needs quilting!
Those are beautiful projects, Ann - I am glad you are finishing them so that they can be admired! :)
All 3 projects are lovely. Think about how I would quilt the pineapples, I would certainly try and keep it simple, maybe just an swirling edge-to-edge type thing, or maybe a star motif in each block? Hope this helps a bit?
Ann -- yes I do have suggestions for the pineapple. I am almost finished with a pineapple wall hanging. I picked one of the places that looks like a square within a square and went out two rounds farther And quilted a square around the area. (Clear as mud, yes?) And then I quilted around the outside edge of the pineapple with about 1/8th" outside of the edge (actually same distance as the squares too.) Finally I had a piano key border on mine and I stitched between the piano key and the checkerboard section.
On a larger one I did on my long arm I made diamonds going in and out from the center squares. Took quite a bit of time but it looked good when done. I probably will be posting pictures of finished wall hanging after Christmas. Good luck with your UFO challenge. B.
I love your fabric choices & I have many UFOs as well. I will be looking into that challenge!
Have fun meeting your challenge! You've got the projects to do it. Really like the colors!
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