Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Bloomin' Roses !!

Well, the trip to the scrap bag was worthwhile, and look what I've got - 4 blocks and my first 6 'roses'!

The floor of my sewing room looks like a demented scissors has been let loose in there with all the ' snipping' that's been going on trying to get the shape reasonably like a flower (!) , and my working surface has disappeared under a growing mound of scraps, but on the whole worthwhile as they're not too bad for my first attempts!

I am going to stick to a 10 1/2 x 10 1/2 mini for the moment, reason one I don't have much green in my modest stash, not a colour I'm that fond of to be honest, and reason 2 another busy week looming!

If you'd like to see Cherri's finished quiltlet this size, it's here , the last photo on the page. Whether mine will ever look anything like that, I don't know, but I do know I'm having a lot of fun trying - 6 down only another 14 to go !!

Monday, 27 July 2009

More Fun!

I found this during my wanderings in blogland(!!) and as I've really enjoyed making the mini landscapes, it seems like a good idea to join in and learn something new, so... I'm off to raid the 'scrap bag' and see what is lurking there ! Thank you Cherri !!

Sunday, 26 July 2009

New Swap!

In case you've not heard about this one and want to join in , pop over to Fiona's blog and
get your name down straight away as sign-ups close on 31 July !

I know I said no more swaps this year, but what a fun way to build up to Christmas Day - and I can't believe I'm talking about Christmas in the middle of July !!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Keeping Busy!

It's been a busy few days with one thing and another, more visitors from home, catching up on chores and a little sewing too this time!

Block 6 & 7 of Verandah Views, so for once I'm up to date!

Bluebird on My Heart block from Vicki at Tozz's Corner. You must visit her blog, she has some really beautiful 'hat' blocks as well as the On My Heart BoMs all for free!

(Don't know what's happened to the colour on these as the background fabric is actually cream, not grey!!)

Last but not least a (very) bright & cheerful Disappearing Nine Patch for our 6 year old DGD's birthday - just waiting delivery of the backing fabric to get it finished !

The photos are not particularly good as our weather has been grim all month , so the light is not brilliant! We seem to get an hour or so of sun in the mornings and then up comes the wind and down comes the rain ! In fact it is more like November than mid July and whilst it has meant I've had some time to sew, it hasn't been very pleasant for our visitors, or all the other tourists that have been pouring into the Province !

I also managed to snap this dodging in and out between the rain

Haven't seen many Butterflies at all this year even though we have 2 Buddleias in the garden, perhaps they've found somewhere drier and warmer- and who can blame them !!

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Le Quatorze Juillet.....

......or Bastille Day .........or Fete Nationale , no matter which name you use, today is a very special day in French history !

Every city, town & village will be holding their own celebrations throughout the day, from the official ceremonial parades in Paris to letting off a few fireworks in the smaller villages!

Our local celebrations consist of a parade through the town at midday, followed by friends & families gathering for a loonngg lunch, then a little siesta (!) before setting out to the village hall for the 'Bal Populaire' this evening !

After a couple of hours of energetic dancing, ranging from traditional folk dances to disco gyrations, enjoyed by everyone from 8 - 80, we'll all pour out onto the sports ground to watch the superb fireworks display put on by the local 'Pompiers' (Fire Brigade). Each year the display gets more ambitious and is thoroughly enjoyed & appreciated judging by all the 'Oooh's and Aaah's' that ripple through the audience ... and so ends a lovely day !


Saturday, 11 July 2009

Still Here!

I can't believe how much time has passed since I last blogged, but I am still here !!

One of the reasons for my absence is that the summer holiday season at 'Hotel Chez Nous' has already started with an unexpected visit from DD which took up last weekend and the start of this week - the rest of the week has been spent catching up on the every day chores that always get ignored when we have visitors - not that I need much of an excuse to get out of housework:-) The only problem is that there is always twice as much to wade through when they've gone back to the UK! We now have just over a week before the next wave arrives and this is the pattern for most of July & August, so goodness only knows how much sewing time there's going to be !!

I did manage to buy some goodies from my favourite US online store ,

I know I keep banging on about their delivery (not to mention the prices!) but once again I ordered on Sunday evening and Wednesday midday it was in the post box - can't fault it can you!!!

I started collecting Kona solids for a pattern I found on the web back early last year, it was supposed to have been a BOM, but in all this time only 4 blocks have been posted so I think its one to forget, and use the solids for something else. At the moment I don't know whether to try another pattern out of my Gwen Marston book or Mary's Chinese coins pattern , breaking up the dark colours I've got so far with the pastels above! I haven't decided yet what I'm going to do with the florals, and the batiks are for any future mini landscape quilts - I did enjoy those lessons!!!

So, as there's not many photos to show this time, I thought I'd let you see some of my miniature machines !

An Essex complete with carrying case, documents and original box !


Not sure what this one is but it is marked 'Foreign' and has a serial number -looking at the wear marks , it has obviously been well used !!

All three I would guess are from the 1960s, in good working order but so strange to use compared to today's machines - don't know if I'd like to try FMQ on them !!! I do have a few others, but will keep them for another day!

Friday, 3 July 2009

4th July

Happy 4th July to all my American friends - a little something from me to you!

Have a wonderful day !!!