Not only were the majority of quilts being displayed in the basement, but they were also set out in small 'rooms', which made it very difficult to get many full shots, as you can see from this!
Two lovely quilts in very artistic settings, but a photographer's nightmare- just like the lighting on this one !
So what should have been an opportunity to show you some beautiful quilts ( and they were really beautiful!) turned into a disaster!
There was a small section of antique quilts which was quite charming and I have to shown you this even though the photo is very bad !
Not applique, but broderie perse, made in England in 1874 ! About the same time as a second English quilt which I just couldn't get a full shot of, but had to show you the medallion centre
Those hexagons are 3/4 inch at the widest point - amazing! Which brings me to another marvel of minute piecing - 1/4 inch finished 'logs' in this cabin !
There were many, many more lovely quilts and it is such a shame I can't show them to you!
One of the highlights of the day was meeting Kaffe Fassett - what a lovely man, as so interesting to chat to!

You know, we must have spent almost half an hour talking to him and in all that time he kept knitting away and didn't drop a single stitch!!
Finally, I still haven't got around to taking a photo of my booty, but I'm expecting a parcel from Fabric Shack any day now, so I thought to do it all at the same time! Just to give you an idea , this will probably be my next project - nothing complicated, but it was very effective!