Saturday, 15 March 2014

Worldwide Quilting Day

Its been a long six months since I managed any serious sewing, and as there's nothing new to share today,  I thought I'd show you one of my all time favourite quilts instead.

I first wrote about it here,  and what's more, it's still in my possession as so far I have managed to resist all pleas from DD to take it home with her.  I will give in one day, but at the moment I just want to enjoy it for a little longer as it was a number of  'firsts' for me and marked a turning point in my quilting.

I hope you all manage to get some sewing done today, and hopefully I'll be joining you at least for a short time :-)

1 comment:

QuiltSue said...

Now here's an idea: to make sure you don't weaken and give it to your daughter, you could always give it to me instead! I love it.