I just don't know what happened to last month as it just disappeared in a whirl of being very busy but not actually doing anything! For the moment though the house is very empty and very quiet and it looks like our flood of visitors has dried up now that the schools are back. Don't know if the recession has anything to do with it, but we've had more company this year than we've had for a long time!
Not a lot of sewing going on at the moment as you might guess, but I have managed to get my
Friendship Bag finished and in the post today to my partner - forgot to take a picture though so I hope that my partner does when it arrives !
Now, I know I promised some photos , but they were 'accidentally deleted' - what do you call DH when he 'thought they'd been downloaded' and scrubbed the memory card ? All suggestions gratefully received, there might even be some I haven't thought of!!!!
One set I did download before the Demon Deleter got at the camera was of this wonderful oak tree on the edge of Paimpont Forest just a few minutes drive away.

Over 20 metres high, 9 metres in circumference and estimated to be 1,000 years old this is an amazing tree!It is regenerating itself through the branch that has gone to earth on the left of the photo and just look at the bark!
I love trees of all shapes and sizes and I never tire of looking at them, but this has got to be a very special one !
I expect most of you know the poem 'Trees' by Joyce Kilmer but just in case you don't, have a look here and maybe you'll also become a tree lover - and if that doesn't convince you, maybe listening to Paul Robson will do the trick !
I'd call him divorced.
Love the tree photos. I'm like you I love trees of all sorts and when I win the lottery I want a house with a garden large enough for a proper, old oak tree
Love and hugs Gina xxx
I'd call him divorced.
Love the tree photos. I'm like you I love trees of all sorts and when I win the lottery I want a house with a garden large enough for a proper, old oak tree
Love and hugs Gina xxx
How awesome is that! I can't believe the age. When I lived in Ny there was a tree called the Balmville Tree but I am not sure how old it was. I will research it and let you know
Lovely photos. We have an ancient oak tree in England at Sherwood Forest (Robin Hood country) which is thought to be 800 - 1,000 years old.
I love trees too and we had a very large oak in the front yard and every hurricane it was rock solid!
I miss it with having moved!
Love that song, what a great voice.
What a giant of a tree, so beautiful. Imagine all the stories it could tell!
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