So - let me tell you about our Saturday visit to l'Isle de St Cado, and one of the most photographed cottages in Brittany!
St Cado (or St Cadoc) was a Welsh monk who, during the 6th century , founded an oratory and later built a monastery on a small island in the River Etel. Local folklore also has it that he was responsible for the small bridge that joins the island to the mainland -and this was done by striking a deal with the Devil!
The agreement was that, in exchange for building the bridge, the Devil would claim the soul of the first living creature to cross it, St Cado agreed to this and overnight the bridge was duly built. However, St Cado (being a very clever Welshman!!) rose early next morning and sent his cat, Lacha, across the bridge , thus cheating the Devil out of his payment !! Well - that's the story anyway!
The island from the river bank, you can just see the bridge far left of the photo if you enlarge it.

Over the centuries the original buildings have disappeared and were eventually replaced in 1832 by a church and a 'Calvaire' or 'Crucifixion'

There is also a small 'fountain' or well on the beach that is only usable at low tide!

and pretty cottages painted in traditional colours

Some of them complete with statues if the Saint himself !

and if proof was needed as to his origins - well, this says it all !!

Ooops!! Almost forgot! The most photographed cottage in Brittany !!
Now that's what you call a seaside home !!!!!

You cannot buy a multi-view postcard or calender in Brittany that doesn't show this little cottage, and easy to understand why !
Our day at l'Isle de St Cado was really worth the effort and one that I am sure we'll be repeating over and over with our friends and family! Unfortunately, the afternoon became very overcast and the photos are a little dark because of this, but if you can bear to look at more (including some of inside of the church) try this link
wow Anne, I love that kind of history and the area is beautiful. I think I told you one time previous, if I did it bears repeating: You post such beautiful pictures and give wonderful descriptions, you should be a tour guide. Thanks for sharing it with us
Great photos. Trust a Welshman to find a way out of trouble
Love and hugs Gina xxx
We were right there in 2007. It chucked it down all week but we had a great time. The scenery is beautiful even in the wild, wet and windy weather that we had.
Lovely photos.
I found your blog via the participants list of the friendship Bag swap, I joined in today for that swap. I love your pictures of Britanny, spend just a tree weeks vacation there and you pictures make me long to go back there at once!! I love those coasts , harbors and villages very much! Great place for you to live!
St Cado was supposed to be also the patron saint of the hard of hearing. Did you see the niche in the church where one can lie down, press one's ear to the stone, and be healed?!
It doesnt always work!
Hi Ann, I have been having a good trawl through your blog and you have posted some amazing photos, I love all the flowers and scenery as well as all of the great quilty things you have been making. Don't let one bad experience put you off travelling.
You live a in a truly beautiful part of the world, Anne. I bet you feel very blessed (most of the time). :)
Seeing all of those pictures makes me want to hop on a plane and visit! All of the pictures are just the "sigh" wish I could be the there! The one of the little cottage makes me wonder what happens when there is a storm in the area. Do you know when it was built, an I wonder if it use to connect with the other area of land....hmmm. I need to start working on my craft room or head back over to my neighbor's house to sew!!
Love the seaside home! Scary, but beautiful.
I absolutely love all your photos of Brittany. It looks so gorgeous!
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